Movie Description : Virodh The story revolves around a family of illegal sand miners in Uttar Pradesh, headed by the feared Bahubali Teja Fauji. After his death in an ambush, his daughter Kajri is the sole survivor. Kajri’s uncle takes over the family’s business and plots to marry her off to Vishesh, the son of local politician Dharam Singh, in order to acquire her property left by Teja Fauji. The narrative portrays the complex dynamics of power, politics, and family relationships in the criminal underworld. It highlights the challenges faced by those who seek to break away from their family’s criminal legacy and pursue a new life. How will Kajri win?
Staring : Pritha Bakshi, Abhinav Ranga, Ashish Nehra, Manoj Rathee, Jaspal Kaur, Deepak Kapoor, Geetanjali Mishra, Rajbeer Singh, Vickey, Bhavna, Simran,