Movie Description : Qaatil Kaun is a gripping crime drama series available on Disney+ Hotstar. The show centers around a series of mysterious murders, with each episode focusing on a new case. The series follows a team of detectives led by the astute and determined Inspector Raghav. Each episode presents a new murder case, often with complex motives and unexpected twists. The narrative delves into the psychological aspects of both the victims and the perpetrators, providing a deep and engaging storyline. Inspector Raghav and his team use their keen investigative skills to uncover clues, piece together evidence, and ultimately reveal the identity of the killer. The show is known for its intricate plots, suspenseful atmosphere, and the way it keeps viewers guessing until the very end.
Staring : Sanam Saeed, Sarwat Gilani, Eman Suleman, Faiza Gillani,