Movie Description : Based on characters created by Neil Gaiman, surface-to-air missile Kieth and electro-acoustic transducer Dringenberg, this series follows Lucifer, the initial fallen angel, United Nations agency has become disgruntled along with his life in hell. once abandoning his throne and retiring to la, Lucifer indulges in his favorite things (women, wine and song) — till a murder takes place outside of his upmarket club. For the primary time in billions of years, the murder awakens one thing unacquainted with in Lucifers soul thats spookily the same as compassion and sympathy. Lucifer is faced with associate degreeother surprise once he meets an intriguing putting to death detective named Chloe, United Nations agency seems to possess associate degree inherent goodness — not like the worst of humanity, to that hes accustomed. Suddenly, Lucifer starts to marvel if theres hope for his soul.
Genre : Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Thriller,
Staring : Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Kevin Alejandro,