Movie Description : The story revolves around a newlywed couple Rajiv and Rekha. Rajiv is expanding his business and has to travel to London for a few days. Rekha was unhappy about the fact that she would have to stay alone without Rajiv, but Rajiv had already arranged for his father to Stay as soon as he left. Like a usual couple away from each other, they would have romantic and dirty conversations over the phone. Overhearing these conversations Rajivs father gets pretty excited and his mind is running full of erotic thoughts. One day Rekha leaves the shower door open by mistake and Rajivs father happens to see her taking a shower, after this, he gets desperate but somehow manages to control himself. But Rekha slips in the shower and hurt her leg, this where her father-in-law rushes to the scene and lifts her to the bedroom, here is where things start to steam up, he is massaging her leg and then it leads to intimate lovemaking. They continue to do so for the next few days until Rajiv returns and finds out about it. Lets see what happens between the three.